B. inggris


we always have roast....or lamb forlunch on sunday and it's my favourite.......(1).
we eat the ......(2)with potatoes and other.....(3) .AND then we have some......(4)or ice cream for.....(5) .on school days i don't......(6)a big lunch.i make some.....(7) in the morning. and i eat them at lunchtime with ......(8)orange or.....(9)grapes.


beef vegetable dessert fruit meat an some have meal

2 Jawaban

  • We always have roast  or lamb for lunch on sunday and it's my favourite MEAT .. (1). 
    we eat the BEEF (2)with potatoes and other VEGETABLE (3) .AND then we have some..FRUIT (4)or ice cream for DESSERT (5) .on school days i don't. HAVE 6)a big lunch.i make some MEAL (7) in the morning. and i eat them at lunchtime with AN (8)orange or SOME (9)grapes.
  • (1) meat
    (2) beef
    (3) vegetable
    (4) fruit
    (5) dessert
    (6) have
    (7) meal
    (8) an
    (9) some

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