B. inggris


Complete the following sentences with the verb in the brackets.
Example :
Chairul and I (are working) on our project. (work)

1. Amin and Shinta .... a cake for the party. (make)
2. I .... for a call from my parents. (wait)
3. You .... too fast. (walk)
4. We .... our next holiday. (plan)
5. The sun .... beautifully today. (shine)
6. Reyhan is in the kitchen. He .... the dinner. (cooking)
7. Salma .... a shower. (have)
8. Daddy ... someone now. (call)
9. My little sister ... to walk now. (learn)
10. The girl ... the floor. (sweep)

Jawab Yang Benar jangan ngasall

2 Jawaban

  • --•Present Continous Tense•--
    S + tobe + v + ing + o/c
    Responsio :
    1) are making
    2) am waiting
    3) are walking
    4) are planning
    5) is shining
    6) is cooking
    7) is having
    8) is calling
    9) is learning
    10) is sweeping

    alea jacta est
  • 1. Amin and Shinta are making a cake for the party. (make)
    2. I am waiting for a call from my parents. (wait)
    3. You walking too fast. (walk)
    4. We will plan our next holiday. (plan)
    5. The sun shining beautifully today. (shine)
    6. Reyhan is in the kitchen. He is cooking the dinner. (cooking)
    7. Salma having a shower. (have)
    8. Daddy calling someone now. (call)
    9. My little sister learning to walk now. (learn)
    10. The girl swiping the floor. (sweep)

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