B. inggris


- 5 contoh kalimat even if
- 5 contoh kalimat no matter how
- 5 contoh kalimat whether or not

1 Jawaban

  • even if i alone i will keep moving forward
    even if you never love me i will always love you till the end
    even if the world against me i will fight em for you
    even if he looks better than me i always smarter than him
    even if she like you it didnt mean she will always be with you

    no matter what i will be here till you came back
    no matter what he will be there for you
    no matter what she will forget about you
    no matter what it will came back as soon as you leave
    no matter what you cant never be my friend

    wheter or not you re coming with me
    wheter or not i will always be in your side
    wheter or not im your mother
    wheter or not i will never leave you alone
    wheter or not you will follow me till the end

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