B. inggris


dialog perdebatan harta warisan

1 Jawaban

  • Rey : dad, what does inheritance mean?
    Bim : yeah dad, what is it?
    Dad : inheritance is the thing that you get from someone older and experienced than you, if that person gets old, or passes away.
    Rey : like what dad?
    Dad : money is most common, usually it has a large amount of money to it.
    Bim : if you got old or pass away, does that mean I will get your inheritance?
    Rey : heey, no fair, I want it !!
    Bim : No!! I want it!
    Rey : It's mine bim ! you already got a large amount of money from Mom last August!!
    Bim : well, I guess we're gonna have to fight for it one day!!!
    Rey : why, you..!
    Dad : hey, hey hey... no need to fight boys, it's just money. your gonna let money ruin the family? I will rather not give my inheritance to anyone if you keep on arguing!!
    Rey :.....
    Bim :.....
    Dad : now, inheritance isn't just for one person, it can also work for an entire family. and you too will get the same Amount ! just don't argue anymore, okay?
    Rey : oh, I tough it was just for a person.
    Bim : yeah, I'm sorry Rey, will you forgive me??
    Rey : if course Bim, please forgive me too
    Bim : done
    ( hugs and laughs together)

    it adalah contoh paling sederhana yg bisa kupikirkan,

    semoga benar Dan bermanfaat :)

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