B. inggris


dampak negatif dan positif rokok dalam bahasa inggris

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    Dampak positif dan negatif rokok dalam bahasa Inggris:


    Cigarette has important impact, especially on economy.  Tobacco cultivation and manufacture of cigarette employ millions of peple. Economic activity surrounding it provide income for rural population.   


    Additionally, cigarette factory pays tax to government, which help fund national budget and could be spent on infrastructures, education and other policies.


    However, moking cigarette is very dangerous for our health. It is a major cause of lung cancer. Smoking is also linked to heart disease, stroke and other chronic lung diseases. Smoking can also increase your risk for cancer of the bladder, throat and mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas. 


    Smoking is dangerous both as first hand smoking (smoker itself) and second had smoking (people who lives near smokers).


    There are hundreds chemical components found in cigarette and its smoke which are harmful to human health. This includes tar, nicotine, and benzene.


    Tars are several chemicals that are in tobacco smoke. It leaves a sticky, brown residue on your lungs, teeth and fingernails. It cuase black teetch and damage to your lungs.


    Nicotine is a dangerous and highly addictive chemical. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the artery vessels that carry blood. Nicotine may also contribute to the hardening of the arterial walls, which in turn, may lead to a heart attack.


    Meanwhile, Benzene can cause cancer, particularly leukemia, in humans.


    Therefore, to protect our health we need to stop smoking and keep smokers away from public places.


    Kelas: VII

    Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

    Materi: Writing

    Kata kunci: Dampak Positif dan Negatif Rokok    

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