B. inggris


Write your certainty and uncertainty based on the situation below !
Example :
Statement : Graduate with excellent score
Answer : I am sure that i will graduate with excellent score

ps: bantu pls saya tidak mengerti :(
Write your certainty and uncertainty based on the situation below ! Example : Statement : Graduate with excellent score Answer : I am sure that i will graduate

1 Jawaban

  • 1.I'm sure that the semester test will be complicated
    2.I'm sure that there are some smart sudents in class
    3.I'm not sure that people unlike watching Tv
    4.I'm so sure that the teachers are serious
    5.I'm not sure that the axhool library has complete references
    6.I'm so sure that smoking causes many kind of disease
    7.I'm sure that global warming caused of green house
    8.I'm sure that people like spending time to have fun
    9.I'm not sure that you like study hard
    10.I'm not sure your birthday party will be celebrated