B. inggris


Apa bahasa inggris dari cerita berikut ini
Saya mempunyai kucing peliharaan, dia bernama kitty. Kitty mempunyai bulu yang putih bersih, bulu yang halus, badan yang gemuk,Maya yang sipit, Gigi yang putih Dan tajam, Dan kitty berjenis kelamin perempuan.
Kitty bersifatt pemarah tetapi dia tetapi menggemaskan, jika dia merasa terganggu maka dia akan mengeluarkan suara yang keras, jika dia lapar dia pasti akan datang Dan mengelus elus tubuhnya ke kaki ku. Aku selalu memberinya makan pada pagi Dan sore hair Dan aku selalu memandikannya setiap dia hari sekali dengan sabun Dan shampo tersendiri.
Aku sangat sayang padanya.
I love kitty

2 Jawaban

  • I have a pet cat. Her name is Kitty. Kitty is a fat cat with soft white fur, slanted eyes, and sharp white teeth. She is often irritable but she is so cute. When she feels irritated, she will let out a loud sound. When she is hungry, she will come and rub herself all over my leg. I feed her teice a day, in the morning and in the evening. I bathe her every day with special soap and shampoo. I love kitty very much.

  • I have a cat, her name is kitty. Kitty have a clean white fur, soft fur, fat body, narrow eyes, white teeth and sharp, ang kitty is a girl. Kitty tend to be grumpy but she is adorable, if she feels disturbed so she will make a loud sound, if she hungry she will come and stroking her body to my feet. I always give her food every morning and evening and i always bath her every once a day with soap and shampoo for cat.
    I really love her
    I love kitty

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