B. inggris


10 hewan beserta habitat makanan activity karakteristik

1 Jawaban

  • Kelas: SMA
    Pelajaran: English
    Kategori: animal description

    1. Scorpion
    It lives in the desert or forest; it eats insects or ants, can walk fast and sting its prey; It has 6 legs and long standing tail with a sharp poisonous end.
    2. Cheetah
    It lives in Africa; it eats meat, can run very fast; It has paws, whiskers, a tail and fur.
    3. Falcon
    It lives on the mountain; it eats meat, snake and can fly high; it has a beak, feathers and wide wings.
    4. Shark
    It lives in the sea; It eats meat and fish, can swim fast; it has fins and jaws.
    5. Grasshopper
    It lives in the garden; it eats leaves, can jump very high; it has 6 legs and wings plus antenna.
    6. Bat
    It lives in the cave; it eats fruits, can fly at night; it has wings, fangs and four legs.
    7. Swan
    It lives on the lake or river; it eats small fish and worms, can swim and fly; it has a beak, long neck and wings plus fur.
    8. Ant
    It lives everywhere; it eats sugar or any available food, can walk and climb; it has six legs and antennas.
    9. Elephant
    It lives in the jungle; it eats beans, fruits, can walk and run; it has hooves, trunk and tusks.
    10. Cat
    It lives everywhere; it eats dead fish or cat food, can run and jump quite high; it has whiskers, paws and a tail.

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