B. inggris


Buat soal 7 eiher or and 8 neither nor

2 Jawaban

  • oke kamu benar sekali lohhh
  • Either
    -either you or me are going to get the trophy
    -either fikri or ricko will accompany you
    -either Mr udin or Mrs rama are going to give you a homework
    -either metal or the aluminum frying pan will be bought
    -i will use either the book or the internet
    -he have two or either three phones.
    -i will keep either this cat or that dog

    -neither me or you are going to the party tonight
    -neither your mother nor father didn't get your room key
    -you can't ride neither motorcycle nor a car
    -you won't get neither a new TV nor a new Phone
    -neither you nor siti aren't going to make a painting.
    -you should not go anywhere,neither outside the house nor outside the school.
    -you shouldn't smoke,neither cigarettes or vapes.
    -you haven't finished your homework,neither maths nor chemistry

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